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animal print from banana republic

animal print from banana republic

what’s better than a movie?  you know. one of those movies that get you thinking—thinking and talking about it long after the screen fades to black.  one of those movies you go back to see. not once. not twice. but three times. or more. 

animal print from banana republic

remember back when video rental stores were still a thing? seems like a lifetime ago.  but if you’re as old as me, you remember scouting the new release, two day rentals. looking for that movie you missed in the theaters.  hoping there’s one copy left. 

animal print from banana republic

denim | blouse | blazer | ballet flats | similar handbag

animal print from banana republic

when the kiddos were young, friday nights were sacred:  pizza and movie night. after school got out, mr. style and i loaded up the minivan with precious cargo and headed to our local video store. whether it was a new release or five movies for five bucks, friday always meant movies. and movies were synonymous with friday.

but then monday came. movies had to be returned. back to school, and the week started up all over again. monday blues—we all know the saying.  

animal print from banana republic

but i’m taking the blues straight on.  whether you’re headed to work, beginning of the year parent-teacher conference, or a monday afternoon matinee, i’ve got the outfit for you. today, i’ve got a beautiful blue leopard print shirt from Banana Republic paired with white jeans from Everlane.  

animal print from banana republic

tame that cat with a sharp and sleek black blazer from J. Crew, which will carry you through everything from a business lunch to an afterwork happy hour. and if you’re on your feet all day like i am, throw on a pair of ballet flats. comfortable without appearing too casual. 

animal print from banana republic

animal print from banana republic

denim | blouse | blazer | ballet flats | similar handbag

all right, gang.  as always, i want to hear from you. now that it’s fall Oscar season is quickly approaching. movie recommendations:  give them to me. what are you looking forward to? what have you seen recently that’s worth watching? i’m always on the lookout for something good. 


About The Author

  1. Melissa Lysk

    Blue animal print is very fresh!!!
    Remember watching “Pretty woman for the first time!?” Remember that brown print dress Julia Roberts was wearing as she “pushed down the divots?’

    1. love Pretty Woman! i just watched it again several weeks ago. a podcast i love called The Rewatchables discussed the movie and how it stands up against time. xo

  2. Joanie

    Great outfit for the Monday Blues! “The Biggest Little Farm” is a documentary movie that will warm your soul.

    1. thanks for the suggestion! it’s on my watch list. xo

  3. Priscilla

    As always, I enjoy checking your news for the day, especially on a Monday before my work day gets started! As to movies, I recently saw “The Farewell” and really enjoyed it, especially as I had no expectations and found it more thought provoking than I thought it would be.

    1. The Farewell. I hadn’t heard of it so will have to check it out. Thanks for the suggestion. xo

  4. Karen Landis

    Hehe! I bought that blouse as soon as it came out! Great Idea to pair it with White Denim! I’m looking for a royal blue faux fur scarf to pair it with as the weather cools. Now I’m thinking maybe a navy blue bag instead, except I spent my fall handbag $$ on a slate green croc top handle bag. Already have a double date planned for “Ford vs Ferrari,” Christian Bale’s November 15th release, I like his intensity and commitment to roles. Have a beautiful day!

    1. then you know what a fun blouse it is to wear! love the unexpected with the vibrant shade of blue. xo

  5. Lea

    Gorgeous outfit, as usual!
    I saw Where’d You Go, Bernadette recently and enjoyed it.
    Will be seeing After the Wedding tomorrow afternoon, a remake of a fabourite Danish movie. This was when I “discovered” Mads Mikkelsen lol
    Next week I hope to see Il Pleuvait des Oiseaux (And the Birds Rained Down) made here in Québec.
    Love going to the cinema! Have a good week, Beth.

    1. a friend and i wanted to see Bernadette but it left the theaters in a nano-second so we’ll have to catch it on Netflix. xo

  6. Chris Illius

    What a great outfit!! Loving everything about this!!

    1. the vibrant shade of blue is an unexpected twist! love it! xo

    2. Susan Vilardo

      Love the blues, esp that blouse!!
      Our family used to watch Back to the Future so many times I knew it by heart…An old one I loved was Places in the Heart..I believe that was the title. It started Sally Field, John Malkovich. She was trying to survive as a widow and he was blind..
      Looking forward to Downtown Abbey and Where’d You Go Bernadette (read the book, haven’t seen the movie)

  7. Carrie Fox

    The outfit is great and I want to duplicate it, but I’m not a fan of the jeans. They look wrinkled and poor quality.

    1. the jeans are actually well made. but i hadn’t worn them in several months and they’re sadly too big which is why you see the wrinkles. xo

  8. Rose

    Beth—that blouse color is spectacular on you. Wish it came in petites.

    1. are you certain it doesn’t come in petites? Banana Republic ususally has a fantastic petites section. xo

  9. Dian

    Wow! You look fabulous.

    1. thanks so much, dian! xo

  10. Cathy Cunningham

    Love the blue animal printed blouse as well as your whole outfit.

  11. The Movie, “The Glass Castle,” is a good movie based on a true story.
    Also my husband Earl Owensby’s Movie Damon’s Law based on a true story.

    Needless to say we are Movie buffs.

  12. Jeanne Myers

    We just saw “Overcomer” at the theater. Loved it!

  13. LindaA

    That blue blouse is fabulous. I like animal prints but don’t look good in beige and brown. Blue is my color, and I love this one!

  14. Jacki F.

    Downton Abbey! Does not disappoint. Beautiful shirt and outfit.

  15. Lynn O’Brien

    My daughter and I went to an advaance screening of Downton Abbey on Thursday night LOVED it!

  16. Betty (SC)

    Love the animal print in blue! Another great outfit with white jeans….and another great video! – I miss those runs to the old video stores! It was right up there with library trips! So many choices! Ah, the good ol days!

  17. Gayle

    You look great in that outfit — fantastic colors for you. I recently watched Green Book on a cross-country flight and really enjoyed it. It is funny and uplifting and is based on a true story.

  18. Suzanne M Smith

    Love the print top under the blue jacket. It looks, as always, casual and smart. Movies are always big with us–(Joe and I actually met 16 years ago, coming out of a movie theater!) I’m looking forward to the movie version of The Goldfinch. I read reviews that weren’t necessarily thrilled with it, but I loved the book, so I’ll be curious how they handle it. My sibs are crazy cuckoo about Dalton Abbey, but it got a bit soap opera to me after a while, so I’m not as nutsy about it as they are, but I’m sure it will be fun. I’d also like to see the Ad Astra one, too.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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