it has been a little over six months since i began a regular workout routine. and since they say it takes thirty days for a habit to be formed i think it’s safe to say i’mย a faithful gym attendee. phew! while i’mย not nearly where i’dย like to be as far as goals are concerned iย know am well on my way with an average attendance of four times a week. i’m definitely stronger, faster, and can pump heavier weight. i still need to fit yoga or pilates into my routine at least once a week. flexibility is a bigย component of fitness that can be overlooked as the treadmill, rowing machine, and weights tend to tighten the muscles. and stretching is a definite must. but here are a few differences i’ve noted since i’veย hit the gym:
sleep: nothing is better than a good night sleep. when i hit the pillow at night i don’t wake up until 6am.
skin: whenever i have a regularย exercise regimen in place people always compliment my skin tone. and, yes, i take very good care of my skin with the latest and greatest products, but it’s a sweaty workout several times a week that gives it a glow.
leaves me feeling euphoric: there’s nothing like an endorphin high after a sixty-minute workout. i leave the gym de-stressed and happy. that mood lasts all day long.
builds self-esteem and body image: exercise gives me a surge of confidence when i’ve improved my rowing time or pumped a heavier weight. it’s all about attainable goals and pushing myself to the next level.
reverses effects of stress: there are studies that show exercise may reverse stresses toll on our aging process. all the stress i’veย built up during the day ebbs awayย whenย i’mย climbing a monster hill on the treadmill.
lifts depression: feeling grumpy? getting active boosts the production of brain molecules that improve connections between nerve cells, acting as a natural anti-depressant.
have i shared enoughย reasons to convince you to head to the gym? what are you waiting for? even if a daily walk is all that you can squeezeย into your schedule – just do it! i promise if you get up and move you won’t be sorry.
labels: leggings J.Crew; tank top J.Crew; sweatshirt Christopher and Banks; shoes Nike
I am a Lifetime Weight Watcher and you can’t maintain your weight without an exercise program. I did spin class at 6 A.M. this morning. I have worn the same size for forty years because of exercise. I highly recommend the book, Younger Next Year—-Live strong, fit and sexy until You’re 80 and beyond by Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge. I received it as a gift and have given away 7 myself. It is loaded with terrific information to be strong well past 40. Can you tell I am very passionate on this subject?
love (hate) spin class! good for you, sharon. and thanks for the book recommendation – it is on my list. thanks so much for sharing your personal story – well done for wearing the same size for forty years. there’s no doubt about it – exercise works! and helps us to feel our best. there’s nothing like it.
I don’t disagree with any of your points…just slow to follow!-Laurel
i’ll nudge you along, laurel! ‘cuz you’ll feel great – i promise.
Oh, I so admire your discipline! I’m about to do some serious cleaning…does that count? ha! Have a marvelous day… xoxo
i do think cleaning the house will burn some calories!
Another reason to exercise. I’ve had bone density tests done at age 55, 63 and just had one at 71.
My density has hardly changed since age 55. No osteoarthritis – Yea! I exercise three times a week,
plus walk our dog 2 miles a day. Stay strong, ladies.
that is wonderful, bobbie! good for you. and thanks for sharing your tips. it’s so important to hear personal stories.
Good for you! The de-stress part of it is the most attractive to me! This time of year is crazy stressful for me and anything to ease that is welcome.
i think that’s one of the benefits i love most about exercise – less stress! it all gets dumped on the gym floor.
Secret revealed …. for looking beautiful …. be fitness freak …
it doesn’t hurt, that’s for certain! and you end up feeling great.