fwo | greek meatballs and old fashioned

  1. Wordsmith says:

    Love the outfit and photos of you and Oscar in the garden. I look forward to trying the Greek meatballs. Thanks for a colorful and uplifting Friday blog!

  2. Kathleen McDermott says:

    Blue & White, Stripes & Checks, Garden Herbs, Oliver and your gorgeous Pixie! Happy, happy, happy. Will make the meatballs with faux beef and try my hand at the tzatziki as I love cucumbers. Thanks again for reminding us that we’re good to wear shorts. Shorts make me happy!

  3. Christine says:

    Hello Beth ! Happy Friday !
    I love your style , but even more so , I admire your outlook on life .
    Your new do is darling . It reminds me of Vidal Sassoon and his “Sassoon” pixie cut in the late 60’s . Do you remember ? I was a teenager and had to have that trendsetter look . I didn’t even know who he was at the time …
    such a fun memory !

  4. Barb says:

    Thanks for talking about shorts and us “mature” woman! I have always felt that they can be worn by all body types. I prefer the longer length, undo were the short ones at home. Keep encouraging all women to love their bodies. Thanks!

  5. Eve says:

    I learn something today. There is a way to mix gingham and stripes. I love this look. Oscar is always so handsome and he always ready for his close up. LOL
    I was having meatloaf but this looks better.

  6. Debra Cervelli says:

    Beth, you look so put together even when you are home relaxing. Love your style! Thanks for continuing to share wonderful style tips and recipes. By the way if you’ve never tried Luxardo cherries, also known as drunken cherries, they are dark and delicious in an Old Fashioned.

  7. Yummy recipe!!
    Love the stones that you put in your patio

  8. Heather says:

    Thanks so much for this post. I spent much of my 63 years being overweight and shamed if I wore clothes that others felt showed skin, like shorts or sleeveless tops. Now, I am finally maintaining a healthy weight and wearing a size 2 and I am once again being told that I should not wear these things because I am too old! Having fun with fashion and being comfortable is not just for the young or those with perfect bodies and Feels especially discouraging when other women are doing the shaming. Thanks for encouraging women to embrace their age and health!

  9. The Greek meatballs look delicious, Will have to try the recipe. I envy you being able to wear shorts this weekend. It is cold and rainy here and are talking about snow this Sunday. Oh, MInnesota.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      i remember one Memorial Day Weekend hanging out in sweats and jackets ‘cuz it was so dang cold in MN.
      but i do love that State for so many reasons. hang in there!

  10. Bonnie says:

    Hello, where can I find the glass for old fashioned? It’s perfect for casual at-home vibe

  11. Bonnie says:

    Oops, firgured it out! Click the LINK!

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