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poppin’ print

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

poppin' prints

and it’s home again, home again, jiggety jig! london was a whirlwind trip, to say the least. the workshop i attended was energetic, creative, and thoughtful. seven countries were represented — ireland, italy, u.k., japan, germany, france, and yours truly from the u.s.a.. i would share more, but the ideas and concepts discussed are confidential in nature. one reason my instastories and snapchat were few and far between. coty, the third largest beauty company in the world, hosted the two-day workshop. the good news is they are zeroing in on the aging woman. here’s a fun fact: the first signs of aging begins at mid-30’s for caucasians, late 30’s for asians, and mid 40’s for africans. which means i have 20+ years of aging underneath my belt. guess you’d call  me an expert… here’s an excerpt from my introduction:

this all got me to thinking–thinking about the future. the future of aging. let me explain. i’m a baby boomer. we’re a generation that’s not afraid to push the boundaries and i think it’s time to push back on the archaic thoughts on age. let’s start from the simple observation that life is always in motion. every day, week, month, year, and decade moves, changes, grows, and evolves. when we were younger, we were excited for these changes. who didn’t want to trade in their bike for a car? and which of us weren’t ecstatic to exchange our fake IDs for real ones.

and so it should go with each passing decade. twenty to thirty; thirty to forty; forty to fifty. and yes, fifty to sixty. if i‘m about to turn sixty why do i claim i want to be forty again? why am i not anticipating the new that comes with this decade in the same way i embraced my twenties?

sure. there are side effects that come with age. our skin changes, our hair goes gray, our bodies feel the force of gravity. but with the proper attitude age isn’t something to be feared. age should be a badge of honor we proudly wear. i’ve earned these wrinkles and every single strand of gray.

we, as women, need to celebrate both our outward and inward signs of age. let’s obliterate the terms “age appropriate” or what to wear when you’re over forty” or “anti-aging” or “you look good for your age” from our vocabulary. they’re outdated. 

rain greeted me upon my arrival back in georgia — and boy, oh boy, do we need it! although photo sessions are always a challenge once inclement weather arrives. mr. style and i ducked inside to stay warm and dry and were pleasantly surprised by lovely christmas decorations. don’t you think they add a festive spirit? (i think the christmas tree is channeling my topper).

both the shoes and handbag came home with me from london. yes, i managed to squeeze in a little shopping. the workshop was located in covent garden where there’s no lack of retail shops and pubs. but back to today’s ootd. the handbag and shoes are the perfect companions to this printed topper which has an abstract pattern. and is a fab alternative to a coat. gray skinnies and dangly earrings complete this look that’s ready to roll right through the holidays.

labels: denim Ann Taylor; cashmere tee J.Crew; topper c/o J.Jill; handbag Zara; shoes Zara; earrings J.Crew (similar here and here)

thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by Style at a Certain Age! if you donโ€™t want to miss a post, you can sign up to receive a daily email, and you will never miss a thing. iโ€™m also on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram

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  1. Heidi Boettcher

    Amen, sista! I love your comments about age, so true. Sure, no one looks forward to the effects of age, but we have certainly earned the joys that go along with aging gracefully. So, yes, I say bring it! And you look lovely, as usual!

    1. happy holidays, heidi! it’s wonderful to hear there are so many joys that go along with aging. by far, they outweigh all the side effects.

  2. Jodie Filogomo

    Getting older is a fact of life, so we might as well embrace it. Just like you’re doing with beauty & grace!
    I love a great statement coat and even if this is a sweater—it’d be perfect for many of the days here in Denver!

    1. one thing’s for certain, i love each and every day that’s granted to me. so why not have lovely statement coat that’s perfect for the holidays!
      hope you are enjoying the season, jodie.

  3. donnanance

    It seems that ladies today don’t look (or seem) as old as years past. It may have to do with better health and awareness. I also think that women today don’t have the strictures on how “they are supposed to look”. Chic and classic, girls, chic and classic…plus that all important attitude… You always look smashing and encourage the rest of us to keep up! xoxo

    1. i think the attitude on aging has changed so much the past few decades. and yes, we are so much more aware of our health and taking care of ourselves – thank goodness! these days it’s all about our attitude not our age.
      hope you are enjoying the holidays, donna!

  4. la Contessa

    NOTHIng to be done about the fact we are GOING FORWARD………so why not EMBRACE IT!
    How exciting for YOU!LONDON this time of year……………..LOVE THE COAT.

    1. so true, contessa! if we are another day older that means we are another day wiser.
      and yes, london is fabulous this time of year. those brits really know how to put on a christmas show.

  5. Sue Smith

    I’m 62, and these are definitely the best years of my life in terms of how I feel emotionally. (Physically, well, that’s another story…I did wake up one fine day and learned that I had RA, and that’s just been very painful, I can’t lie…) But I have a wonderful son, I’ve had a rich, colorful life, I have a person who loves me dearly, and I am still excited about every day.

    I have never been someone who felt bad about hitting that next milestone birthday–they’ve all been good. I like getting older. Definitely more comfortable in my own skin than when I was young, and I have so many invaluable life experiences that I can look back on and smile about.

    I’ve had a great life and I don’t take it for granted! Thanks for representing the positive for us all! Pretty outfit, by the way! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. our health is so precious as you well know, sue. it can be taken from us in the blink of an eye. but i’m so impressed with your attitude. not even RA can keep you down! god bless you! and i’m so happy you have loved ones that make the pain a little easier.
      have you baked your gingersnaps yet? i have a yummy recipe that goes with a decadent cheese ball. i just might have to whip that up before my kiddos arrive.

  6. Bonnie Schulte

    Oh, this top and shoes , looks so good on you. Beautiful outfit. Speaking of age, know what you mean. I am 5’3″ and have a small frame, so many of the clothes I see in my size, are made for the much younger woman. But when I find what looks good for my age, I buy it. I was eating out last week with my husband and son and daughter-in-law, and a man came up to our table, and said he knew me, but could not remember from where. I didn’t know him at all, and we talked, and when I told him I was a dental assistant (50 years ago) he said “Oh of course”, and told me I haven’t changed one bit..I am 77 years old, so gotta tell you, it was a big complement. So getting old isn’t really a bad thing, as long as we can still take care to dress right, wear makeup, and fix our hair. Anyway…

    1. hi bonnie! 77 and counting – you go girl! what a compliment to hear you haven’t changed one bit… and i’m certain his assessment was 100% accurate.
      happy holidays!

  7. Susan Virgadamo

    OMG – I loved this outfit!!!! The sweater is great!!!! How heavy is it? Would it be alright to wear in Florida?

    Can’t wait to hear more about your London trip!!!!

    1. happy holidays, susan!
      this sweater might work if your temps dip into the low sixties or fifties. it’s a nice weight but you still need a nip in the air.

  8. Kimberly Kane

    I love your coat. I am also interested in where the shots were taken – I am fascinated by the guitar and amp sculptures, which look weirdly out of place against all the Christmas decorations.

    1. hi kimberly!
      happy holidays. the photos were taken in a UGA conference center.

  9. Now. See. This is SO me. I love the uniqueness of your jacket! LOVE LOVE LOVE And the scenery is gorgeous too!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ gwingal

    1. happy holidays, nikki!
      the abstract print on this coat is what sold me. just like you said, it’s so unique. and the color scheme brightens any dreary day.

  10. Kathysue

    Beth I loved your introduction and as always you look stunning. I have a saying about getting older, ” I don’t mind aging, we all are doing that daily, but I refuse to become OLD, because that is a state of mind!”
    Keep doing what you are doing!!!

    1. happy holidays kathysue!
      i agree 100%. age is an attitude. ’nuff said.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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