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christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

christopher and banks

even though the calendar clearly states it’s august the retailers beg to differ. i don’t know about you, but i’m always curious as to what’s on the radar screen when it comes to fall fashion. and it is with great pleasure that i’m easing into the spirit of things with a fabulous fall collaboration with a brand that is new to me – christopher and banks. i was keen on a partnership with this giant retailer that boasts over 500 stores nationwide and a user-friendly online presence due to the fact it caters to women of all sizes, shapes and ages. that’s right. petite, missy, and plus sizes all have equal representation at christopher and banks. can i hear an amen?! now that’s a retailer that understands women. and the best part is the affordability this brand offers. a factor that is near and dear to my heart as i am a firm believer that style never has to break the bank. i can go on and on singing christopher and banks praises but why don’t you zip over here for a quick video introduction we filmed when the team flew me up to minneapolis in july.  you can also check out a few style tips i’ve shared on their blog here. and this is just the beginning as there’s more, lot’s more to share in the coming months! so without further adieu let’s dive into today’s ootd.

black denim in a staple in my closet come fall/winter, and i was eager to try on this pair that’s designed with a signature slimming tummy panel which smooths the silhouette. this type of pant is one i have never tried on before – and i like it! not only does this denim come in black but five other colors. how’s that for variety? since the denim on denim trend is still going strong this fall i opted for a denim vest that i can pop over a summer dress for a ‘wear now’ option. or as in today’s ‘wear later’ option, i have the vest topped with a white button down (does anyone remember how many of these are hanging in my closet?). somehow, i’m always eager to add a new white shirt to my wardrobe. if i am aiming for a casual chic look, i can easily exchange the denim vest for an ombre blue sweater that’s lightweight and sure to help me ease into fall in style. and let’s not forget to add a few simple baubles to the mix. so what do you think, ladies? are you ready to go check out classic style over at christopher and banks? let me know what you find!

labels: denim c/o Christopher and Banks; shirt c/o Christopher and Banks; denim vest c/o Christopher and Banks; sweater c/o Christopher and Banks; necklace c/o Christopher and Banks; bracelets c/o Christopher and Banks; earrings c/o Christopher and Banks

thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to stop by Style at a Certain Age! if you donโ€™t want to miss a post, you can sign up to receive a daily email, and you will never miss a thing. iโ€™m also on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram

a big thank you to Christopher and Banks for this supported collaboration! and thank you, lovely readers, for supporting the brands that allow me to bring you fresh ideas daily!

About The Author

  1. Sue Smith

    Congratulations on the collaboration!

    We have a Christopher & Banks near us and they do have good buys and some nice things. You look great! I have pieces that pretty much mirror these looks, and booties very similar as well. We must just be simpatico, I guess!

    So glad to see you getting such great visibility with your collaborations. Exciting!

    1. i think we must have been separated at birth, sue! we have very similar taste.
      a big thank you for all of the love you show! it is sooooo appreciated.
      xoxo beth

  2. donnanance

    What fun! Congratulations on your collaboration with Christopher and Banks! Did you ever dream as a young teen that you would someday be a model? Seeing how sharp you look gives this old gal some inspiration.

    1. lol! who knew blogging would become a thing way back in the dark ages when our color t.v. took over the entire room. but i’m having a ball and meeting so many wonderful women in the process. you have been such a big support, donna! thanks for all the love you have shown.
      xoxo beth

  3. I would love to check out Christopher and Banks and I am off to check out your links! However, this year, I am SO not ready to give up summer yet. I am digging my heels in and refusing.
    ๐Ÿ™‚ gwingal

    1. i’m with you nikki! it’s been such a delightful (albeit hot) summer. let me know if digging your heels in works. ‘cuz i’m just havin’ fun in the sun.

  4. Congratulations on the collaboration! How exciting! Looking fabulous as always! I’m trying not to get too exciting about fall clothes as I know that I won’t be able to wear them until sometime in October…

    1. thanks, friend! it’s crazy we’re even talking about fall fashion in august… but we both know christmas will be here before we know it. where has this year disappeared to?!

Navy Coat winter outfit

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