gray days

  1. Susan Resi-Cowles says:

    I have been follow you for awhile now and just love your style!! This is so me when I am home and just doing little things around the house! Love the look!!

  2. Linda De says:

    That sweater w the tie sleeves is cool!

  3. Betsy Erickson says:

    Love your blog and especially the way you put outfits together. I’m in Australia and I heard a report on our news yesterday that a British study came up with an age when a person should stop wearing denim—53!!!!!! I’m 63 and have no intention of eradicating denim from my wardrobe. It is a firm staple in my closet and I know you share the same view as myself. Keep up the great blog and videos. Although I can’t access the same designers as you I still get an abundance of inspiration from you! Betsy (I’m a former American) from Brisbane Australia

    • beth djalali says:

      don’t you just fall down laughing when reports like this come out?! i always wonder who puts this study together in the first place? ha! you’ve got it right, betsy, denim is a keeper for the rest of our lives. hands down it is one of the most practical and versatile items in our closet. thanks for stopping by! i’m so happy to hear you are finding inspiration. that’s what the blog is all about.

  4. Deb Nordlie says:

    Please talk about your fabulous hairstyle!

    • beth djalali says:

      hi deb! i think i will put together a hair tutorial on YouTube. this is just my pixie cut pushed back. i have thick wavy hair so this style is easy to do with the help of a few hair products. stay tuned.

  5. Sue Smith says:

    Nice day to get that gingham out–it fits the outfit perfectly. It got grey here today and I could tell from the wind a front must be coming through. I admit I stayed comfy inside for the most part. Enjoy Tuesday!

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