happy birthday, America! it’s here; it’s finally here the fourth of july in all its glory. of course, fireworks take center stage to celebrate our nation’s heritage and humble beginnings. did you know the first Independence Day celebration was held in Philadelphia on July 4, 1777? the Revolutionary War was still raging against Britain. historians claim the country needed a morale booster. so a grand exhibition of fireworks was organized in the city square. the celebration began and ended with thirteen rockets. and a tradition was born. now over two hundred years later Americans all over the country still gather in public squares to watch a spectacular fireworks show.
while we patiently wait for the day to turn into evening, it’s time to get ready for a barbeque. nothing fancy, just burgers and brats, potato salad, cucumber and onion salad, corn on the cob, and homemade ice cream for dessert. oh, let’s not forget a mixed berry pie.
since it’s so darn hot today, i whipped up a refreshing batch of sangria. it’s a simple recipe that tastes delicious.
this cucumber salad is so easy to make and perfect for a summer barbeque. make a day ahead to let the ingredients marinate.
mr. style is in charge of grilling the burgers. for a tasty burger combine one pound lean ground beef with one pound fatty ground beef. add a slice of butter inside the patty. this tip is from Ina Garten that produces a moist burger.
for dessert, we’re making homemade vanilla ice cream. my dad loved ice cream. on any given night you would see him eating right out of the container. but he was always ready to grab his car keys and drive to our local ice cream shop too. i have fond memories of piling into our convertible on a hot summer night for an ice cream run. it was always the same order – hot fudge sundae with nuts, please. to this day i still love ice cream sundaes especially if it’s homemade ice cream. by the way, mr. style is a big fan of ice cream too. vanilla is his favorite flavor. it’s a rare day when you see him eating anything else.
looks like oscar discovered the sundae toppings…
how about a treat instead?
another peek at yesterday’s patriotic ootd. let’s hear it for red, white, and blue.
similar skirt | similar tee | similar sandals | belt | similar earrings
here are all the sundae fixings. from M&M’s to sprinkles to berries to hot fudge sauce. you can make it any way you like. just don’t forget the whipped cream!
last night’s fireworks festivities. it was a grand show complete with patriotic music. happy fourth of July gang. i’m proud to be an American!