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snow day

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

you didn’t think i’d miss a snow day, did you? don’t worry, mr. style and i didn’t venture far. just our backyard. so we zipped in and out just for photos. but i have to admit even if i grew up with long white winters it was glorious to wake up to freshly fallen snow. the last time i caught sight of the white stuff was on my last visit to minnesota a little over a year ago. i know, i know, northerners just don’t ‘get’ how exciting it is to see snowflakes. and laugh that an inch of the white stuff can shut an entire city down. but for those of us who live south of the mason/dixon line, well, it’s kind of fun to have a snow day, isn’t it? and, yes, just about everything closed down for the day, including schools, the ups truck and my painter…

thank goodness i have snow gear. at least hunter boots paired with warm socks will make do for snow boots. otherwise, i was good to go with my all-time favorite puffer jacket, boyfriend jeans, a few layers similar sweater here, and warm scarf similar here. plus a pair of snazzy red gloves that give the outfit a pop of color. 

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

denim | shirt | similar sweater | jacket | boots | similar scarf | similar gloves

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

talbots puffer jacket, j.crew boyfriend jeans, hunter boots

even though i’m not a big fan of winter, there’s something to be said about a blanket of freshly fallen snow. it soothes the soul. all right, gang, let’s get thursday started. thanks so much for all the well wishes. i’m already on the mend with lots of rest, but boy-oh-boy am i glad the weekend is in sight.

About The Author

  1. Rebecca Saffer

    Hi Beth – I hope you are feeling better! I just back from a week in Florida with a very bad cold, everyone there was sick. What a winter all over. Anyway, while I am home sick, I will be looking at your posts that I missed. Be well!!

  2. Lesley Watson

    Living in Colorado I know how you feel about fresh fallen snow. We haven’t had much this year, I guess we’ve been sending it your way. Enjoy. BTY I love how you have your hair styled.

  3. Susan Young

    As a transplant from NY, I adore Atlanta snow days!

  4. Linda De

    Love that sneaky happy look on your face..The red shiny rain boots, that cute puffer jacket and your hair split down the middle and back make that outfit….

  5. Sue Smith

    We actually got 6″ of the white stuff the other day–quite a bit for NC. I loved it! I recently retired from work and so I felt fabulous sleeping in and watching the winter wonderland from inside! Love this look–I had on my red Hunter wellies yesterday. They’re the best. always cheer me up. Hope you’re feeling better!

Navy Coat winter outfit

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