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the gray zone

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection

yes, i’m still in my red phase. after all, this color is on trend for fall. that’s my story, and i’m sticking to it! but today’s color scheme was inspired by this cute gray sweater from Talbots Parisian collection. there’s something quite chic about gray with a pop of red.

so out came my gray rockstar jeans from Old Navy, a striped shirt from J.Crew and before you know it my red shoes are back in action. well, in for a penny in for a pound as they say so i slung a favorite backpack over my shoulder that just so happens to be red.  

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection

denim | shirt | sweater | shoes | backpack

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection


sometimes outfits just fall into place especially when a sweater and blue jeans are involved. i guess my preppy side will live forever. long live the prepster!  

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection

if you are wondering how we fared hurricane irma, well, there were blustery winds, and it rained most of the day. a few tree limbs are down, and more pinecones than i care to count. all-in-all we weathered the storm just fine. but mr. style and i were mighty happy this photo shoot was already in the books. there’s still rain in the forecast but the temps have been delightfully cool the past week so i won’t complain. are ready for tuesday? it’s here!

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection

how to wear gray skinny jeans by old navy and a grey sweater from Talbots Parisian collection


About The Author

  1. Sue Smith

    Today is a good day for grey here in NC–rainy and dreary, and I’d wear that in a heartbeat, excepting that the shoes wouldn’t do with this wet. Love it! The Parisian collection items are charming.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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