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poncho positive | keeping our heads up during coronavirus

keeping our heads up during coronavirus is challenging.  we’re hungry for positive news, and that can feel slow going.  but we’ve been here for you on the blog over the past few weeks, trying to stay positive.  and we’ll continue to do so.  last week, we featured a tour of my home, and we put together a YouTube tutorial roundup to keep you busy while you’re stuck indoors.  these were ideas that came from you, our readers, so keep suggesting content you want to see in the comments below.

and now i’m gonna let you in on a little industry secret:  we’ve got a week’s worth left of OOTDs we shot before Athens issued a shelter in-place.  we’re going to post them this week to give you a bit of a fashion distraction during these uncertain times.  and speaking of “distractions”, sometimes it’s hard to remember that Spring is actually here.  the trees are sprouting leaves and the flowers are in-bloom here in Athens.  and it happened in what felt like overnight.  from my window i can see Crepe Myrtles, Japanese Maples, and the blossoms from Cherry trees.  what does your view look like?       

keeping our heads up during coronavirus

it’s one of life’s greatest challenges not to let our circumstances dictate our attitude.  it’s one thing to say, “stay positive”, but it’s quite another to feel it deep inside.  it’s so easy to let doubt and fear consume us. but as soon as it does, we’ve already lost.  when platitudes wear thin, remember:  fear not, God is in control.  

poncho | gingham crop pant | blouse | silk scarf | heel sandals 

poncho positive

poncho, please?  i love ponchos, and i’ve featured them for years over here on the blog.  they’re one of my favorite items to wear in Spring or Fall.  today, i’ve pulled in a beautiful pastel poncho from Ann Taylor and paired it with a gingham cropped pant.  it’s a perfect spring outfit for those cooler transition days.   

and i know many of my readers love scarves as much as i do.  here’s a beautiful silk scarf, again from Ann Taylor. it pairs wonderfully with the poncho, but it would be perfect with any Spring outfit, especially those that feature a pastel palette.  

poncho | gingham crop pant | blouse | silk scarf | heel sandals 

spring pastels

i’ve been all about pastels this Spring. last week, i shopped my closet and pulled out a pink pastel bomber jacket.  and if you missed my pink rain coat, make sure to check out the post.  today is all about lavender.  what’s your favorite pastel?  

poncho | gingham crop pant | blouse | silk scarf | heel sandals 

reaching out to others

i talked yesterday about the importance of continuing to reach out to friends and family using the technology available to us.  it’s worth remembering that not everyone has a robust network of support. a kind word of encouragement can get a lot farther than we may realize. 

poncho | gingham crop pant | blouse | silk scarf | heel sandals 

About The Author

  1. Karyn Bray

    Unfortunately it appears the lilac colored poncho is no longer available……

  2. Dj

    When I hit the link to the poncho, the beautiful lavender poncho color is not showing….is there another link? Love that color!!!

  3. Mary

    We had a blast of snow overnight and our world is blanketed in white so this is a good day to sip a hot cup of tea and plan my spring gardening strategies…planting pansies in porch pots, raking leaves off of the tulips and daffodils, and placing Easter decor around the house.

  4. Joanie

    Hi Beth
    I do love the lavender color featured today. It is one of my favorites. We, too, have decorated our home with our spring bunnies, eggs, and Easter baskets. I love the pastels. Someone mentioned yesterday that she got rid of her sewing machine and now wanted to sew some facial masks for the health workers. Alas, I got rid of mine, too, a couple of years ago. Now I am thinking I wish I had it… Thank you for the blog. It is a breath of fresh air in my life right now. Joanie from Iowa

  5. It appears you are letting your hair grow a little. Looks good!

  6. Carmen L McKinley

    Love the pants!!

    As a fellow short hair gal, I really miss your short hair! I will often try and grow mine out too…and nope…I go back to my pixie cuts!

    Thank you for continuing to blog during our home stays.

  7. Eve

    You look so beautiful in lavender. I love pastels although I look better in the mid range of colors. I just bought a pink eyelet blouse to go with white/blue and pink striped pants I bring out every spring. I wish we could go out but I think we are calling off our family reunion at Easter. So sad because these days with the younger ones we won’t get back. Nieces and nephews grow so fast. Have a wonderful day! You are appreciated.

  8. Kim Ellison

    Beth I saw some comments about your hair. Because we are all sheltering, trips to the stylist for a cut and color are out for now. Please give us some tips on what we can do. I also have a short haircut and after about 5 weeks it really starts to look shaggy. I think continuing to make an effort on appearance will really help our outlook. Any suggestions?

  9. Cyndi

    Love this outfit & itโ€™s in my favorite color๐Ÿ˜. Stays safe & well.

  10. Due to a hospital stay in Feb. with pneumonia, we have been self isolating since Feb 12th. No big deal really, fresh air in the car, or short walks. My sis in the UK has to self isolate, in house, for 3 months as does any older 60/70 (?). I think focusing on how long it will end up being, makes it worse. This isnโ€™t a short haul folks. I just think of it as my new normal and itโ€™s amazing how much better it feels. Sort of like adjusting to moving to a new town, etc.. I do wish our spring (Canada) would hurry up. Manitoba, where I live the last one to warm up. We still have snow, but tree buds are swelling ๐Ÿฅฐ Focus on what we, have not what we canโ€™t have….just like always. ๐Ÿ’ช

  11. Kathleen

    That lavender is very pretty.
    A nice shade for your coloring.

    I am continuing to enjoy your posts, and look forward to them at the end of the day.
    Please keep posting.

  12. Great post. I really like lavender on you and having seen your posts of colour I have ventured to colour. I still feel the need to wear a column of navy or black under a coloured blazer. Might I be so bold to suggest some outfit shots in that lovely garden of yours as the weather warms up…… Who knows how long this virus challenge is going to last. Stay well

  13. Suzanne M Smith

    Such pretty spring colors. I am seeing so many things in bloom right now, you match the views! It did get cooler here today and that poncho would’ve been necessary. Stay safe!

  14. jean

    Happy to see again you with nice shoes!!!
    They showcase very well your feet!!!
    The pant is cute also!!!!
    Thank you!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Navy Coat winter outfit

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