The Surprising Benefits of Wearing Long Sleeves in Hot Weather

  1. Barbara Stevens says:

    Beth this is such a useful and timely topic. Especially for me as I pack for an extended trip to an area experiencing temps in the 100s. My case is full of sleeveless tops. I hadn’t considered packing a few light long sleeves and totally forgot a sweater. I couldn’t imagine the need for one! Same is true of skirts and casual loose dresses. Cooling. Thanks for focusing again not just on beauty abd fashion but also on health and comfort. Some of your old recipes are my favorites. I still use the instant pot chicken of 3or 4 years ago to keep the heat out of the kitchen and have healthfully, tasty chicken available for a salad.

  2. Barbara Stevens says:

    One more thing. Linen. It is EVERYWHERE. I’ve loved it for a long time., but there are types/varieties. Some feel super scratchy and some seem to be finer weave and tho they lack the crispness of a cotton shirt, they feel and look great. How do we choose? And how do we launder and care for them? Appreciate your tips so much.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      Thanks for the suggestion!

      • MaryLynne says:

        Thank you for the post. It reinforces what I’ve been doing all along. My arms and legs are not attractive so I like to keep them covered when out in public. I find dresses to be the most comfortable in the heat as there is no waistband to constrict. It is hard to find long sleeved dresses in the summer. I bought the Haven Well Within gauze pocket dress and it’s the most comfortable thing I own. Doesn’t touch me anywhere and with a sun hat I feel fashionable and cool while doing touristy things

  3. Nancy B. says:

    Loved today’s post, Beth. Great suggestions! Currently I don’t own any linen clothing but will be putting it on my future list when I need new clothes for summer. Keep cool!😎

  4. Mary Grogan says:

    What a wonderful article. I have almost always worn long sleeve shirts in the summer to protect my skin as well as realizing that somehow it allows me to remain cooler.

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