Happy Friday!

  1. Kemper says:

    I’m loving Kelly’s hair, how is she curling it?

    • Hi Kemper, Kelly here…my hair has some natural curl to it so I use a hair balm, then I basically scrunch it up while it’s wet and use a diffuser attachment on my hairdryer to dry the scrunched up natural curl. Then I use a curling iron to accentuate some of the curls. Pretty simple…never turns out the same way twice – LOL. I hope that answers your question!

  2. Janet says:

    I thoroughly enjoy your newsletter and it has provided me with very good advice and I have definitely stepped up my game. However, having so many photos of you in the same outfit as a bit tiresome. One or two is adequate to get the point across. If they show different versions of an outfit as in dressing up or dressing down a garment that I would get. But the same Outfit photos over and over and over is too much.

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