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best way to lose weight

all right, gang. there’s an extra post this week chatting about health and wellness. many of us are interested in the best way to lose weight. and there is a solution when it comes to weight loss. but losing weight and maintaining it has more to do with a healthy lifestyle, proper food choices, and exercise than anything else. and as we age we come face to face with a few more challenges health-wise than when we were in our twenties, thirties or even forties. age happens. right?! the reality of an aging body is that it doesn’t rebound as quickly as before. whether we like it or not certain aspects of our body diminish with age, muscle strength, bone health, balance, and flexibility. but there’s hope. understanding what to do, what to avoid, and how to pace ourselves is essential for remaining strong and healthy. 

a year and a half ago i stumbled upon a program that changed my life FASTer Way to Fat Loss. a program that marries nutrition and exercise. making healthy food choices had always been a struggle for me. and for many of you. we were chasing the holy grail of being thin at all cost. low fat, trans fat, calorie counting, over-exercising, weight loss gimics, anything, and everything to be thin – many times at the expense of maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. and many of us were taught to accept weight gain as a normal part of aging. or abandon exercise due to physical impairments. but keeping fit is essential to doing the things you love with ease, power, and grace. which is why i continue to share FASTer Way to Fat Loss with you. we need to continue to challenge our core, improve our upper and lower body strength, and flexibility. when we focus on these things the crossover benefits add to our quality of life. exercise and nutrition are the keys to living an active life.

if you are looking for the best way to lose weight that will also help you take control of your health and well being then this program is for you. and guess what? itโ€™s never too late to start. i canโ€™t tell you how many women over the age of 40, 50, 6o or 70 that think theyโ€™ll never get back into shape. but thatโ€™s just a bunch of hogwash. ladies, thereโ€™s no age limit when it comes to fitness. so whether youโ€™re twenty-five, forty-five, or sixty-five you have the opportunity to โ€˜just do it.โ€ not only have i lost weight but i feel great. my sleeping habits have improved, i have more energy, and i think my skin has never looked better. itโ€™s all those sweaty workouts and water consumption.

thereโ€™s no question exercise is important to a healthy lifestyle but what we eat is even more important. there is no way you can out-exercise poor nutrition. this is a concept that i struggled with for years. itโ€™s been said that itโ€™s 80% kitchen and 20% exercise. Faster Way to Fat Loss helped me put this into perspective. and iโ€™ve been learning week-by-week, month-by-month, and year-by-year. the program is simple to follow, and thatโ€™s the way it should be. hereโ€™s a photo of me in January 2018. the first day of my fitness journey.

if you are interested in signing up for Faster Way to Fat Loss the next round starts May 6th. here are three reasons i love this program besides the fact i feel great and have more energy:

ONE โ€“ every detail is planned out for you. the online workouts have exact directions and links to watch the moves. but if you love working out at The Barre, or have another workout routine, or youโ€™re used to Spin Class no problem. there are options, ladies, options. my workout routine consists of two sessions per week on my Peloton, two Pilates Reformer session, and one aerobic weight training class with Amanda (the mastermind behind FWTFL). the great thing about Faster Way to Fat Loss is you can make it work with your lifestyle!

TWO โ€“ this is a lifestyle, not a diet. we use My Fitness Pal app to track calories and macros, but the mentality is progress, not perfection. the goal is to eat dairy free, grain free and gluten free as much as possible but again, thereโ€™s flexibility. do i have a cocktail or glass of wine on occasion? absolutely! are there sweets and treats on special occasions? yes. as i mentioned, Faster Way to Loss is a lifestyle change, not a diet. it gives me the tools and resources to stay or get back on track. this program teaches how to cut fat and gain lean muscle while living life to its fullest.

THREE โ€“ it is a proven system that helps women and men (yes, there is a program for men) lose fat. and thereโ€™s no age limit! actually, youโ€™ve heard me talk about the importance of exercise as we age. my goal is to live the best life possible regardless of age. and exercise is key.

registration is open for the next round that starts May 6!  sign up here.

About The Author

  1. Michelle McDonald

    At 56, I started FWFL (just the eating program). I lost 15 lbs and got back to the same size 10 I wore as a teenager within 6 months AND Iโ€™ve comfortably maintained this for well over a year now. My body changed and I am so energetic and happy. This program takes weekly planning but is SO worth it!

    1. thanks for your feedback michelle! this program works planning and all.

  2. Roopa Madhvapathy

    Dear Beth,
    How long do you exercise per day? Thank you!

    1. i usually take 1 spin class a week for 45 minutes. pilates twice a week for 60 minutes. the other two days are quick strength training workouts for 20 to 30 minutes.

  3. Gaye hagan

    I am on my 4th week of this wonderful program. I signed up because Iโ€™ve watched you thrive on it. I have more energy, my clothes are loser, and my cravings are gone. I thought Intermittent fasting would be hard, but it isnโ€™t at all. Thank you for sharing this with all of us.

    1. i am so happy you took to FWTFL leap. this program works because it’s not a diet. it’s a lifestlye. thanks for sharing your journey!

  4. susan krupp

    Beth: I am in the April group and I am both astounded/horrified at the amount of food I am directed to eat. Finishing week four and I am “trusting the process” and keeping to the exercise regimen. Hoping to be more me when I enter “Susan at Seventy”…wow, that’s an ouch!

  5. gaye hagan

    I joined FWTFL after watching you for the last year and a half. I have experienced increased energy, my clothes fit better, and my cravings are gone. Thank you for letting us know about this program.

    1. i am so happy to hear you are finding success! increased energy is key to living a healthy and active life.

  6. Brenda Day

    Beth, thanks to you I enrolled in the April round of Faster Way to Fat Loss. I am loving it! Thank you for sharing.

    1. thanks for sharing brenda! and continued success with FWTFL. this program works.

  7. I hope this is a real program that works
    Not another one O am going to fail at.

    1. if you put the effort into this program you will see results. it’s not a diet. it’s a lifestyle.

  8. A new life style.

  9. Cathy Chavers

    Margo- you can do this! I started FWTFL in August. I have been able to do this program while traveling back and forth on a weekly basis(3-4 days/week) from Little Rock Arkansas to Mississippi to care for my elderly Mom who has been ill. And I work as a nurse 2-12 hr shifts weekly. I have lost almost 20 lbs and that is with all the stress of juggling my current life. I highly recommend this program and I love the motto โ€œprogress! Not perfection!โ€

Navy Coat winter outfit

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