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’tis the season for gratitude


the quality of being thankful; the readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.

synonyms/ gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks, appreciation, recognition, acknowledgment, respect, regard, indebtedness. opposite/ingratitude

don’t you just love november? yes, it has its share of gray skies, and the days have become shorter, leading to longer nights. oscar and i have to head out on our nightly walks around five o’clock instead of seven… but last november, i wasn’t able to take him on a walk at all due to my knee, which was bone on bone and quite painful, making it difficult to navigate stairs and simple tasks like walking my dog. post-surgery, every time i head out the door with leash in hand, i pause for a moment with a thankful heart for my total knee replacement, which gave back my vibrant life. did you know there are studies that show that gratitude is good for relationships and affects our overall physical health? those Pilgrims were onto something way back in 1621 when they celebrated a successful harvest season with the Wampanoag tribe by their side. with Thanksgiving four weeks away ’tis the season for gratitude. 

'tis the season of gratitude

’tis the season for gratitude

it may seem to some of us that there’s nothing to be grateful for in the year of the pandemic. what with our world turned upside down and our lives along with it. to be certain Thanksgiving 2020 may look a bit different than years gone by. many of us won’t be able to gather with those we love to share that special meal that centers around a turkey and is loaded with calories and carbs. just thinking about mashed potatoes with butter has my mouth watering. so we might be thinking what’s the point of celebrating this year? who wants to go to all the trouble of whipping up a meal for two or four instead of ten or twenty? but i will argue it’s always a good idea to celebrate and make Thanksgiving a priority in your lives. after all, Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to show gratitude because the two go hand-in-hand. 

what am i thankful for this year? well, i truly am grateful for my family that lives a hop skip, and a jump away. i’m thankful for oscar and ollie who shower me with unconditional love. and i give thanks every day that i write a daily blog post and connect with all of my lovely readers. my heart is full of gratitude for the kindness you show me day in and day out. so i encourage you today to focus on thankfulness instead of ingratitude. to think about the positive instead of the negative. to appreciate this great country we live in that was founded on gratitude. let’s think about others and how we can show our appreciation. and let’s make november the season for gratitude.

'tis the season of gratitude

flatware | similar turkey plates | similar plaid napkins | placemats | bee glasses | cake stand | place card holders | votives

'tis the season of gratitude

'tis the season of gratitude



'tis the season of gratitude

carving set | similar platter | similar plates

soup tureen

flatware | similar turkey plates | similar plaid napkins | placemats | bee glasses | cake stand | place card holders | votives

place card holders

happy thursday, ladies. it’s time to put a smile on someone’s face including yours. and don’t forget to stop by and share what you’re grateful for.

About The Author

  1. Beth Bevington

    We have that same carving set! My husband loves it.
    Iโ€™m grateful that I have more time with my husband, as he was diagnosed with gioblastoma in August. With COVID, fires and now this, weโ€™re stretched. I love my husband, my home and our wonderful friends.

  2. RORY

    Beautiful table.

  3. Edith (Edie) Brown

    Thank you once again for reminding us of the importance of thankfulness and gratitude especially during these unsettling times. It certainly is easy to forget what is truly important. I love the thanksgiving holiday for that yearly reminder.
    Thanks Beth for always stepping up to inspire us.
    Glad to hear that you are well!

  4. Josephine Riddle

    Your Thanksgiving table looks lovely. I agree wholeheartedly that we need to be thankful everyday. Having celebrated my 67th birthday yesterday, I am aware that I must be grateful for each and every day that I am given. And really, shouldn’t we all, no matter what age we are? I am also grateful for you, Beth, and the lovely blog you have created. Thank you.

  5. What a really wonderful message! Thank you. I am going to try to stop any negative thoughts that come my way. It is time to count our blessings. Love your blog!! Your outfit today is so cute, you look darling and love the fall tablescape.

    Many blessings to you, Jan

  6. Celine

    Hi Beth,

    Lovely post today. I am grateful for my family and friends, good health and my Princey (who I also look forward to walking every day). We were able to celebrate my mother’s 97th birthday last week. Blessed to still have her in my life and grateful for all she has done for me, my sibling and our families.

  7. Robin

    I’m grateful for my husband and son and that we enjoy one another’s company. Which is good as we’ve been together in the same house every single day non-stop since mid-March. ๐Ÿ˜€
    And I’m grateful it’s been nice outside this week so I can sit outside and work.
    I’ll soon be grateful that we can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with my best friend from second grade and her family for the tenth year in a row (I think, we lost count somewhere along the way). We’ve been friends for 50 years. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Joy

    Love this all!
    Thank you for focusing on November and Thanksgiving.
    Love the outfit- Black and Tan – trying to keep up with Oscar- It works!

  9. Laurel

    Beth, you could not have timed this better. A beautiful post. I am also thankful for your positivity, your strength and your post. Thank you.

  10. Lisa

    Iโ€™m thankful my sister and other family members survived COVID. Very sad that my thirty-six year old cousin passed from COVID. Thankful for my husband, son and my strong female friends. Always thankful for the beauty of this earth.

  11. Eve

    I’ll use my vintage turkey platter which my husband loves and that awful cranberry jelly he expects with his turkey. I am grateful for all we have and what I can still do. I think the little pie pan pumpkins are just wonderful & just the size for a small pie with left over filling for hand pies after Thanksgiving. Hand pies, Kelly?

    I like the outfit and although I don’t wear short skirts, I’m still happy to know that those of a certain age can still look wonderful in them. Your decorations are lovely and such fun to look at.

  12. Love that coat! In Canada, we have already celebrated Thanksgiving. Even though it was just the two of us and my boys and I, have already decided against Christmas, I still do the whole dinner. Left overs are wonderful and bring fond memories every time we enjoy them. I have lung issues, so my family has decided to give me the gift of life rather than their company ๐Ÿ’. For their love, I am grateful, for my home, food, grandchildren, I am grateful. For my life I am grateful.

    We should all be grateful for the peace both of our countries are so fortunate to enjoy as we celebrate- silver lining๐ŸŽ

    1. Oops, so much for punctuation ๐Ÿ˜‰. My boys a fed their families didnโ€™t join us for Thanksgiving.

  13. Carolyn

    Let’s make November the season of gratitude. What a lovely reminder. I am grateful for so many things and one of them is you. I truly appreciate you and your time devoted to this blog. I have been inspired by you in my clothes choices as well as by other goodies you have shown us. Those bee glasses are now on my table. Your cutting board is now in my kitchen. I could go on and on….
    Thank you, Beth, for being my virtual friend.

  14. Jere L Wright

    I agree with your statements, I’m always grateful and thankful. Thank You for you words and sharing yourself with us. Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Alecia

    I am so very thankful that I discovered your blog this summer. Instead of just thowing on a tee shirt and shorts or slacks, I am actually styling my look. I am also accessorizing. I gathered up my nerve and went grey this summer. It has simplified my life and looks great. This has been so much fun.

    Thank you.

  16. Joni

    How did you know today is National Nachos Day? I want to try this Old Fashioned! Have a wonderful weekend ๐Ÿฅƒ ๐ŸŒž

    1. this variation of the old fashioned is delicious! let me know what you think.

  17. This was a lovely post.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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