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singing i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶a̶i̶n̶ during the shutdown

one thing that gives me comfort during these trying times:  the natural world continues around us relatively unaffected.  here in Athens, the season is changing from winter to spring.  the trees are sprouting leaves.  flowers are blooming.  deer are moving in herds.  and the cardinals are singing their mating songs.  we have such a beautiful world, and if anything, hopefully world events will give us a new appreciation for it.   it’s been a rainy week where we are.  if you’re stuck at home but still able to take walks, you’re probably in the market for some fashionable rainwear for the spring.

singing in the rain

today, i’ve got two OOTD variations.  as a base for both outfits, i’m pairing a striped tunic top with  straight jeans from J.Crew. super simple.  super comfy.  but since the name of the game is rainwear, we’ll kick things off with my take on pretty in pink.  to my mind, nothing says spring better than pastels.  i’ve pulled together this pink raincoat from Talbots with a pair of baby blue leopard chelsea boots from Neiman. the outfit provides a nice pop of color against any backdrop. 

pink raincoat | polka dot umbrella | leopard chelsea boots | tunic top | jeans

similar raincoat | similar raincoat 2 | similar raincoat 3 | similar raincoat 4 | similar raincoat 5 | similar raincoat 6 | similar chelsea boots | similar shirt | similar shirt 2 | similar shirt 3 | similar shirt 4 | similar shirt 5 | similar shirt 6

fashionable rainwear for the spring

for my second take on the OOTD, i’ve chosen the classic yellow raincoat accentuated nicely with a pair of red rain boots and black & red umbrella.  the yellow/red combination really pops when set against the black backdrop of the umbrella.  but you can imagine playing with different warm color combinations to get the same effect:  orange/red or yellow/orange.  have fun and make the outfit your own. 

yellow raincoat | black/red umbrella | rain boots | tunic topjeans

similar raincoat | similar raincoat 2 | similar raincoat 3 | similar raincoat 4 | similar raincoat 5 | similar raincoat 6 | similar chelsea boots | similar shirt | similar shirt 2 | similar shirt 3 | similar shirt 4 | similar shirt 5 | similar shirt 6

dealing with the shutdown  

as we talked about yesterday on the blog, the world continues to move and change quickly around us.  things are changing.  people we know feel stress stressed or even panicked.  we may feel stressed or panicked.  that’s OK.  it’s OK to feel these emotions.  we’re living in a historical time that will be studied for years to come.  it’s important not only to read that but to say it out loud and internalize. 

remember though, calm, measured caution will always win the day.  and importantly, we will continue to be here for each other.   each and every day.  as a bit of an aside—but not really—i was telling kelly and my son about the victory gardens that were planted during WWII to supplement citizens’ rations.  millions of gardens were planted across the country in moral support of the war effort, but more importantly, as a general expression of solidarity for and with each other.  kelly and my son are going to plant one in their new house.  we’ll track it here on the blog.   

pink raincoat | polka dot umbrella | leopard chelsea boots | tunic top | jeans

yellow raincoat | black/red umbrella | rain boots | tunic topjeans

similar raincoat | similar raincoat 2 | similar raincoat 3 | similar raincoat 4 | similar raincoat 5 | similar raincoat 6 | similar chelsea boots | similar shirt | similar shirt 2 | similar shirt 3 | similar shirt 4 | similar shirt 5 | similar shirt 6

About The Author

  1. Nancy

    I love all your blogs, esp those from Talbots I have been a fan for years.
    My husband would say if Talbots has it I have it.

  2. Rhonda

    I’ve read several places that the coronavirus hates the sun, so when the rain goes away, enjoy some wonderful spring sunshine! Here in Florida it is very sunny, but also very hot already, and no rain in sight.

    The third picture of you is absolutely stunning! You look so beautiful–perfect hair and makeup. I do love your new hairstyle.

    Happy Day!!

  3. Sharon

    Love the pink outfit best. Thanks for all your words of comfort. I think we all need a little reassuring.

  4. Lindsey Akin

    Yay for victory gardens! My husband’s grandparents had a couple of hundred acres of walnuts so farming is in his blood even though the ranch was sold after his grandpas death. We ‘farm’ our 6000 sq ft lot every year – tomatoes, herbs, potatoes, peas, fava, nectarines, lemons, pomegranates, peaches, pears, apples, grapes, kiwi, chili’s of all kinds, onions, carrots. It tastes so much better when you grow and harvest it yourself for sure.

    We have snow in the CA Sierra Nevada, so liking the waterproof options here!

    With so many of us working from home, have you considered showing some “stylish yet comfy and cozy yet professional enough to get us into that ‘work’ mindset” type of outfits these next few days and weeks? It is so easy under lockdown to slide into sweats and pj’s, but I think for all of our mental health, still making an effort to dress well each day (or get dressed at all!) is something we should be thinking about.

    Hope you and all your readers are staying healthy and well.

  5. Great post . The navy version of that gorgeous pink raincoat is also lovely and your link of the inverted umbrella has a lovely navy and white spot one……. Safe on line purchases. Thanks for all the effort you put in. And yes the victory gardens were a great idea and great idea to have your own vegetable patch.

  6. Christine

    Calm , measured caution … repeat and repeat . Great advice . Let us pray these days will pass and we will be stronger .
    You and I were tested in 2019 ( losing our husbands ) … we will get through this storm also .
    Thank you for your support and your words of encouragement.

  7. Dora Renata Pala

    Gentile Signora grazie della sua compagnia che seguo con affetto scrivo dall’italia zona rossa(Bologna) tutti chiusi in casa periodo strano ma osservi di più tutto quello che ti circonda pensi leggi cucini…. Un abbraccio

  8. Suzanne M Smith

    I’ve been keeping an eye on both of those colorful raincoats. They’re both eye-catching and uplifting.

  9. I had not heard of the victory trees, i think its such a great idea.
    Also i too find some sense of peace in seeing that nature continues like nothing is happening, at the end we need nature but it does not seem to need us.
    Hugs your way.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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