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November | Rosana Vollmerhausen

have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with a personal stylist? to have a professional offer advice and suggestions on your current wardrobe? outfit choices? closet edit? or maybe there’s a special event coming up where you need to look at the top of your game? perhaps it’s a wedding, job interview or family reunion. it just might be that you’re in a style rut and need a reboot – fast. if any of these scenarios describe your current state of style, then this post is for you. meet rosana vollmerhausen the smart and stylish woman that runs DC Style Factory a personal shopping and styling service for men and women.

this past year, rosana’s path crossed mine over on Instagram. let me tell you this is one talented and busy lady. she has 15 yearsโ€™ fashion retail and styling experience, including owning, running and buying for an award-winning boutique in Washington, D.C. after launching her own personal styling company, she was handpicked to be part of Stacy Londonโ€™s team of Style for Hire wardrobe consultants. wow! are you impressed yet ‘cuz this girl is.

but that’s not all, rosana is also a wife and mother of three, she understands firsthand that you donโ€™t have to sacrifice personal style because life is busy. if key wardrobe pieces make sense for who and where you are, a put- together and polished personal style is accessible to anyone who wants it. can i hear an amen?

all right, ladies, are you ready to dig a little deeper and learn what makes this talented lady tick? i thought so. read on.

how to work with a personal stylist

Rosana, are you over or under the age of 40?


Where does your inspiration come from?

My parents. I am first-generation. The immigrant mindset is to adapt. If one path does not work for you, change paths. My mother left a stable career in accounting to follow her passion in life; she opened a bakery in her 40s. She modeled hard work and entrepreneurship for me. She also taught me you could find your life’s work at any age. My father has a Ph.D. in civil engineering. He is quite literally one the smartest human being I have ever known. His life and career modeled for me a clear path to achievement through education.

What inspired you to found your own company?

DC Style Factory is my second business. My first was a boutique in Washington, D.C. and it was one of the most heartbreaking and expensive failures of my career. DC wasn’t open to Rag & Bone and Karen Walker in 2004! But, it taught me everything I needed to know to make my next move. Most importantly, it humbled me. After I left my boutique, I went back to writing and editing, which was my pre-fashion career. A customer from the boutique contacted me to see if I was interested in personal shopping for her. This was the first kernel of inspiration to start a personal styling business. I convinced friends and family to let me practice on them, and I practiced for a couple of years. Everyone I styled was someone I knew or was related to, and they were brave enough to let me into their closets! I slowly developed an efficient process to work with clients that consistently yielded positive results. I had really specific steps for each service that meant any client would receive the same high level of service and expertise each time they worked with me. Most importantly, though, I learned to check my style ego at the door and focus on what my clients needed. Things were chugging along with my handful of regular clients…and then Stacy London happened. She came to DC to start Style for Hire, and I landed the golden opportunity to train with her. This was when my styling business started to make sense. I had the process in place, but I needed a true purpose to make the process matter to a broader market. I knew now I could position DC Style Factory’s services as something we all need to do for ourselves. Taking care of your style and wardrobe is the same as getting your hair done, getting your teeth cleaned, or doing your nails. It is self-care.Today, we have three stylists working full time and two support staff. 

how to work with a personal stylist
E. Brady Robinson

Ocean, lake or pool?


how to work with a personal stylist

What advice would you give your 20something self if you could?

Break. Up. With. Him.

how to work with a personal stylist

Do you have a motto?

Progress, not perfection.

how to work with a personal stylist

What do you think of first impressions?

They matter. It’s not impossible, but it is difficult to shake a negative first impression. It’s what we tell our clients every day — what you wear communicates a message about you.

What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?

You get your way more often if you have more than one way.

how to work with a personal stylist
E. Brady Robinson

Everyone has to start somewhere. What was your first job?

Working retail at Big & Tall Men’s Clothing. I was in high school, and it’s particularly funny because I am only 5’2″. I had to climb up on a footstool to take many of our customers’ measurements!

What is your favorite part of being a personal stylist?

Showing people that caring about your style is not shallow. Clothing, style, and fashion can be transformative.

how to work with a personal stylistHow do you describe your style?

Tailored. Minimalist at times. I like to think a little French. Always with a little menswear thrown in. I never met a grey draped t-shirt, black blazer, or a pair of brogues I didn’t like.

how to work with a personal stylist

thank you, rosana, for taking time from your busy schedule to answer a few questions. ladies, if you would like to contact rosana for personal styling services check out DC Style Factory. and, yes, she offers virtual styling sessions too! or for more style inspiration follow her Instagram or Facebook page.

About The Author

  1. Sue Smith

    She’s adorable. And I love her best advice she was ever given. Clean lines and simple style are always classics, but she has a flair with it. Thanks for the introduction!

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