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five self-care habits for 2021

are you ready to kick off 2021 with healthy habits? today, i’m sharing five self-care habits for 2021. the past year has had many of us stressing and stewing about the ever-changing landscape. from the emails and comments i receive, i also know there are far too many of us who have put self-care and healthy habits on the back burner. what’s the point of making an effort when there’s no place to go? so we ignore our health and wellness routines, slip into our elastic waist sweatpants, veg out on the couch, and watch the news. and there just might be a bag of chips or box of cookies at our beck and call.

it’s time to change the negative for the positive. a positive attitude, that is. and it’s time to focus on self-care. health and wellness routines are meant to help us stay grounded, healthy, and organized. health focuses on our body and mind being free from illness, whereas wellness addresses our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. but the surprising secret to aging well is a positive attitude. yes, exercise and diet work hand in hand when it comes to aging well, and we need to pay close attention to incorporating both into our lives. but did you know that research shows a positive attitude is just as important? so let’s look at the glass half full today and incorporate five self-care habits for 2021 that will put a smile on your face.

blouse | lip shade ruby woo

five self-care habits for 2021

#1 silk pillowcase

silk’s claim to fame is to help prevent wrinkles. if you’re a side sleeper, you know your cotton pillowcase causes friction and can cause sleep lines and wrinkles. even bed hair. but silk creates a smooth surface reducing the pressure and reducing facial wrinkles. plus, silk is hypoallergenic which is good for allergy sufferers. personally, i love sleeping on a silk pillowcase because i avoid crazy hair in the morning. silk fibers are similar to our hair which helps keep the hair smooth while sleeping.

#2 face masque

it’s time to masque up, ladies. and i’m not talking about the face masks we wear running errands. incorporating a face masque into your weekly routine will improve the overall appearance of your skin. it’s also a great way to set aside “me” time when we draw a hot bath, light a scented candle, and let the magic of the mask begin to work. brew an herbal tea or sip a glass of wine. either way, soak your cares away for twenty minutes. you’ll be drawn into a wonderful sensory experience that not only relaxes the mind and spirit but will leave you with fabulous skin.

#3 ten things to be grateful for

years ago, when my children were young, they would come home after school with a litany of complaints. after listening to their troubles, i would sit them down with pen and paper and ask them to write down ten things they are grateful for. there’s something therapeutic about gratitude. a grateful heart is a cornerstone to living a healthy, mindful life. it’s been proven that gratitude improves physical and psychological health. think of ten things you’re grateful for, write them down then speak them out loud. gratitude disconnects us from toxic, negative emotions and shifts our attention to positivity.

five self-care habits for 2021

#4 buy a bouquet of flowers

not only will flowers put a smile on your face for their sheer beauty, but flowers are known for their psychological and physiological effect. flowers are known to lower blood pressure and reduce feelings of pain and anxiety. that’s why we often send flowers to hospital patients or someone feeling blue. adding a bouquet of flowers to your home can help you de-stress and relax. flowers are easily accessible these days at the grocery store, Trader Joe’s, or Target. but you can sign up for a subscription box at Urban Stems. enjoy free delivery and save up to 10 to 25% on each delivery. The Celtic exudes a sense of time and grace. The Magnolia pairs nicely with a fluffy blanket and hot cocoa.

five self-care habits for 2021

five self-care habits for 2021

#5 put on makeup and a cute outfit

yes, it would be best if you made yourself a priority each and every day. by taking the time to get ready for your day and putting effort into your appearance, you’re telling yourself that you’re important and your day is important too. i can’t tell you how many women write in that they slipped into a slump this past year. what’s the point in getting ready when there’s no place to go? the point in getting ready isn’t about going out – it’s about YOU. so make a point to take a hot shower, pick out a cute outfit, and slap on some makeup. i promise you will feel like a million bucks!

as i mentioned, health and wellness routines are meant to help us stay grounded, healthy, and organized. but they’re not written in stone, so it’s easy to switch up your routine. it’s as easy as incorporating five self-care habits for 2021. happy Sunday, ladies!

what i wore this weekend. 

similar denim | similar sweater | puffer jacket | similar loafers


About The Author

  1. Bonnie R

    Great advice! I practice all, but have been seriously slacking off on numbers 1 & 5! Love the RL plaid blouse; itโ€™s so flattering on you. (Appreciate the link, my size sold out ๐Ÿ˜‰)

    1. thanks so much for reading!

    2. Bonnie R

      Oops, meant # 3 & 5 ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Hello Beth! I am an avid fan of your style. I like the way you put on your makeup, the way you dress up (any outfit) how you project on cam.
        Thank you for your advices on Health, beauty and wellness. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜˜

        1. i so appreciate you being here!

  2. Jani Munro

    Hello Beth, love all your posts! Can you tell us about that terrific tartan shirt with the ruffles collar that you are wearing? With thanks, Jani

    1. there’s a link right underneath the photo. hope this helps!

  3. Dottie W.

    I’ve been following you for about 1 1/2 yrs now and I really enjoy your site. I do have a question about the silk pillowcase. I am 69 yrs old and I am hot all the time. I have to keep my bedroom very cool or I cannot sleep. Will the silk make me feel hotter?

    1. silk pillowcases are actually quite cool to sleep on.

    2. Bonnie R

      Hello, I have several SILK pillowcases and agree with Beth; theyโ€™re comfortable and cool.

  4. Carol Khoury

    So true………..
    Friday after yet another full day of going nowhere and not doing much more than reading, after putting dinner in the oven I decided to don some earrings and lipstick. It felt soooo good and put a bounce back into my step! Mask wearing has not been favorable to lipstick for me, so this was a treat. And, again….mask wearing and earrings—–I can only wear my small to medium pearls and be confident they won’t get lost due to the mask elastics. So putting on some chunky silver hoops and lipstick? Made my evening! And didn’t go unnoticed by my husband, either.
    I do exercise regularly and sleep on silk cases so I’m trying to be my best!

    1. it’s the small things in life that help make us feel good!

  5. Carol Griffin

    Wonderful ADVICE! I do practice all with the exception of #1 and will be ordering silk pillowcases TODAY! Not only for me but also for my youngest daughter who has a birthday coming up and this will be a wonderful gift for her as well. I do sleep on Bamboo sheets/pillowcases which I absolutely love, silky and soft. Love the blog!!!!

    1. i so appreciate you being here!

  6. Carmen Grant

    Thanks Beth, you help me get through my day!

    1. thanks for being here!

  7. Enjoyed reading and thinking about your suggestions. Thank you.

    1. i’m so happy you’re here!

      1. Becky

        I love this uplifting and positive post! We must suit up and show up every day, even if we are at home most of the time! Good for the soul!

  8. Carmen grant

    Thanks Beth you make my day!

    1. thanks for stopping by today!

  9. Joyce Reynolds

    I really enjoy all the tips you share with us on health, beauty, aging, and of course fashion! Iโ€™m 72 years old and really enjoy shopping at Talbots! Beth, Iโ€™m curious as which hairstyle youโ€™re wearing now. You look great in the shorter style and the longer! Take care, be safe and stay healthy, a good motto for all of us during this pandemic! Joyce ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. These are great anchors and we certainly need anchors this year.

      Whenever my world felt like it was crashing down around me, I would go into the flower garden, with a coffee or wine and focus on the beauty of nature. I would think about the mothers/women in war torn countries that were dealing with the same issues and be grateful.

      For those of you who may not be able to afford silk pillow cases, buy sateen weave and iron them. Ironing a pillow case is key. Same with flowers, cut some from the garden, pick wild flowers, or simple mini dandelion bouquets for the kitchen sink, the bathrooms, your nightstand. If you have a windowsill or bright room – flowering houseplants are magical.

      I always put lipstick on first thing in the morning and then smile at myself in the mirror, not in a vain way, but in a self hug way.
      Hugs to you Beth, and all the wonder women that follow you. ๐Ÿ’

  10. Iโ€™ve been thinking a lot about the word โ€œintentional โ€œ lately. Each of the subjects you talked about today all begin with a thought and then having a plan to carry it out. I love each of your suggestions and just feel that more than ever we need to be open to new thoughts and ideas. Our age should not restrict our ability to grow and try new things.
    Thankyou for promoting positivity! I agree wholeheartedly that itโ€™s always the little things in life that truly matter.

  11. Janet

    Great 5 ideas for a positive mindset. Thanks Beth

    1. if we have a grateful heart it’s hard to be negative.

  12. Beth Bevington

    Hi Beth
    I read all of your posting. Love your style.
    How are you after a year without your hubby? My husband died Wednesday of brain cancer. I feel like I will never get past my broken heart. ๐Ÿ’”

  13. Tricia

    Good morning Beth! Great post! I have a question in the weekly face mask suggestion. The one you posted shows the cost being $120 for one? Could that we right?

    If it truly is $120, do you have another recommendation? Thanks!

    1. skinceuticals is expensive, but not that expensive. the package containes six masks.

      1. Tricia

        Okay, great! Thanks!

  14. jane

    I love these self help tips. Each of them hit home with me. Love the silk pillowcases and the facial mask. I will buy fresh flowers next time I’m shopping. Great idea. And I love getting dressed and putting on makeup. I have a tendency to not wear any except a moisturizer around the house, but I am just as important as any of the others that I see at the grocery store and I will wear makeup next time. Thanks for all of these. Love reading your blogs. Jane

    1. it’s so important to take care of ourselves. like the airlines tell us “put your oxygen on first.”

  15. CIndy Smith

    All great suggestions. Iโ€™m especially looking forward to trying a silk pillowcase ! Doing the mask once a week sounds good too.

  16. Judi Hume

    I love this post! Every suggestion is great! Thank you so much, and Happy New Year!

  17. Averyl

    Hello Beth,
    Firstly thank you for Friday”s whiskey and cranberry cocktail. Delicious! I’ve just started following you – having found that nearly all the outfits I was pinning on Pinterest were yours- and I am loving your blog with its mix of fashion and general well-being. hints. Thank you.

  18. Claudia Flemingloss

    These tips today sound like some of my ways to look after myself. I just need flowers on the kitchen table. They fill my heart and make the place seem cheery. On most days, I do put on makeup and at least a nice top. I wear jewelry with it. I just feel better when I do. Thanks for encouraging all of us to look after ourselves better.

  19. Paula

    Some good points to follow. Iโ€™m going to try the silk pillowcases. I thought they might be hot but after reading some comments I guess they are not.

  20. Sylvia Espinoza

    Chiming in late Sunday afternoon as mornings and early afternoons are busy times in my life on Sundays. This dreary, cold, sleeting afternoon, your post and the blog sisters’ comments have lifted my spirit. Love that blog sister Andrea called us who follow you “wonder women.” ๐Ÿ™‚ These tips are so good! A silk pillowcase is in my future.

    This morning heard a man say he wished there were no mirrors in his house because once he catches a glimpse of himself, it’s downhill all the way the rest of his day. “Like a guy going to the store in pajamas,” he said. I said, “No!” and told him about your blog and that the same principle applies to men. Invest in your health and appearance! Then that man looking back at you will face the day with a positive outlook, whether staying in or going out. He said this is wise advice! Of course it is! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Keep it coming, Beth~

    1. always love to hear from you, sylvia! happy 2021!

  21. Rhea E Dawson

    Don’t forget to stop at your local florist for a bouquet of flowers. Small retailers really need support in these times. These are great self-care tips.

  22. Bakole Wahadi

    Very interesting and good Post…l like it

  23. This is my first encounter w/yr website – really enjoyed your postings! (I’m a bit older than you, love style, love to travel). A few comments:
    You have a great way w/scarves!
    I’d recommend shirt dresses that r longer.
    Beautiful white blazer & outfit!
    I always wear a skirt when flying, esp long trips. It makes things easier in those tiny airport bathrooms! and a fuller skirt can offer welcome warmth when “sleeping.”
    Thanks for your blog.

  24. Pamela Burton

    love the black desk lamp. Could you share where you purchased it? Thanks!

    1. the lamp is from Pottery Barn but I think it’s been discontinued.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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