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fridays with oscar

fridays with oscar and ollie

it’s fridays with oscar and ollie. the rain continues to roll through town so we are taking advantage of the dark skies and snuggling inside. there’s something soothing about the sound of raindrops plopping on your roof. since a young girl, i look to the weather to give clues whether to slow down or speed up. thunderstorms have a way of making your house look like the greatest thing since sliced bread. so why not grab a book, and a blanket and curl up on a comfy couch and catch up on some reading? when the sun is shining i’m dashing here and there cramming in a gazillion activities. years ago, when we lived on an island with 360 days of sunshine it was soooo hard to slow down. mentality i was revved up and ready to go every single minute, but missing those rainy days that gave an excuse to be a lazy bum.

anyhoo, the djalali’s are taking it easy today (maybe all weekend) and i’m serving up light appetizers that take all of ten minutes to make. and we all know what goes well with appetizers? yes, a refreshing cocktail is on the menu. it’s called Paper Plane and it’s easy peasy to make too.

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

take a peek at how lush and green everything looks!

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

oscar just came home from the groomer, hence the snazzy scarf.

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

notice how oscar checks everything out. even the bourbon. he takes his job seriously. didn’t you know? oscar is the guard dog of the djalali house. nothing gets past him. except for ollie from time-to-time. room and board are free and a bonus is paid out daily with treats. oscar does an exceptional job at alerting us if any deer wander into the yard…

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

today’s ootd is fitting for a fridayย white jeans and a short-sleeve chambray shirt. look ma, no shoes!

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

mr. style calls ollie ‘the princess.’ย  she certainly takes advantage of her title by lounging on the counter.

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

fridays with oscar and ollie

oscar caught a whiff of bacon… he only has eyes for the appetizer tray.

fridays with oscar and ollie

all right, gang, that’s a wrap. another week has come and gone. oscar, ollie and i wish each of you a lovely weekend!

About The Author

  1. Sophia Britner Montgomery

    Since my fave essential oil is bacon grease, I will try the scallop recipe!!

    1. bacon and more bacon please! you will love the scallops wrapped in bacon. enjoy. xo

  2. Dessie Irvin

    I realize that you are having your picture taken hence the make-up and jewelry. Nevertheless, it is a great example to always look our best even on rainy, nothing that special days! I think I will go put on mascara!

    1. don’t forget lipstick! my mother always said nothing perked up your day and your face quite like a fresh application of lipstick. xo

      1. Judi Hume

        Mine said the same thing, and I agree! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Sue Smith

    The peppers sound good–I like the idea of the feta mixed with cream cheese. I’ll try that. Scallops wrapped in bacon are a staple here….mmmmm. We’re also sitting here with a good, steady rain and dark skies. Nothing like this weather to get me hunkering down. I’ve been catching up on reading some books I’ve had waiting for me to dig into.

    Have a great weekend! Oscar looks dashing in his scarf. And yes–Ollie looks like she knows who’s running things.

  4. Terrylee

    love the necklace, where is it from?

  5. Jeanette Ziolkowski

    Hi Beth, I love your necklace! Is it Julie Vos?

  6. Judi Hume

    What a great post! “oscar does an exceptional job at alerting us if any deer wander into the yardโ€ฆ” I laughed so hard. The recipes sound delicious; thank you for sharing. I like all your posts, but I especially enjoyed this one. Thanks again, Beth!

  7. Claire Edghill

    Lovely post! Love friday’s with Oscar and Ollie. Oscar looking very dapper from the groomers!

  8. moiraeve1

    I made the bacon-wrapped scallops and the stuffed peppers for a Sunday meeting and they were a huge hit–both with the meeting guests and the host’s daughter–who said upon my leaving, “Mommy, if people haven’t eaten all of her food, I can take it for my lunch!”
    Loved your casual ensemble! Am astonished how grownup Miss Princess has become.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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