HSN March favorites

  1. Thanks Beth. I am going to give the luxe tanning butter a try. I have not tanned in the sun for years and my legs need the attention.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      i definitely wear loads of sunscreen when i’m on the beach or lounging by the pool. but i also love tanned legs so i’m thankful for tanning products!

  2. Polly says:

    “Pasty white legs?” Really? I am certain that you only meant to make a joke, however I must gently object. I have very fair skin and I do not tan. I choose to accept my skin tone for what it is and I choose not to use self-tanning products. That someone else would refer to my natural skin tone or indeed, their own, using derogatory terms…”pasty white”…makes me saddened. If others wish to use self-tanning products, by the way, by all means, go right ahead and enjoy. But please…don’t use insulting and frankly, demeaning language to describe the skin tone of those of us who do not.
    A Gentle Reader

    • Beth Djalali says:

      thanks for stopping by Polly. not certain why pasty white is considered derogatory, demeaning, or insulting. and, please, continue to be you. if tanning lotions aren’t your thing i’m behind you all the way. others, like me, love to have tan legs without going into the sun. aren’t you glad we have choices these days? gotta love the 21st century!

  3. NaryLynne says:

    Beth, your legs always look so good. I wondered if you used a tanning product. I always wore panty hose until my pasty white legs got tanned. Now they are partly discolored from bouts of cellulitis. I ordered the tanning butter and will be interested to see if it blends the discoloration or makes it worse. I have been reluctant to try a tanning product so thank you for your recommendation. I consider you my personal shopper as I don’t get out much

    • Beth Djalali says:

      i do use self-tanner. not all year long but definitely when skirt and shorts season arrives. the tanning butter builds a tan
      over time. i think you’ll like it.

  4. Eve says:

    Nice list. I have cut back on my gardening. Just a few pots will keep me happy. Basil will be in one along with cherry tomatoes and petunias.
    Just walking back and forth outside to get things done and feeling the sunshine and breathing fresh air. It’s garden therapy.

  5. Shon says:

    Remember that not all of your readers have white legs. Some of us that love you have beautiful black legs 😊

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