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moto on

moto 3

moto 1

moto 4

moto 6

moto 5

moto 2

moto 7

moto 9

moto 8

it’s day three in chicago. guess what? my trusty moto jacket is back in action, last seen here, along with my favorite pair of loafers, last seen here,  i wore ad nausea this past winter. if spring-like temps aren’t cooperating here in chi town then i’m darn sure i’m gonna stay toasty warm in style. thank goodness for blue jeans and leather jackets.last night, i braved the winds and headed over to oak street beach then strolled down michigan avenue. then it was time to grab a bit to eat at gibson’s – delish. it’s been great visiting chicago these past three days. but you know what’s even better? that’s right. home sweet home. i’m headed back to athens today!

labels: denim Ann Taylor; shirt J.Crew (old, similar here and here); moto jacket Ann Taylor (old, similar here and here); loafers Ivanka Trump (old, similar here and here); necklace Banana Republic (old, similar here); bracelets Chico’s (old, similar here and here);

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Navy Coat winter outfit

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for women

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