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<outfit post> black, white, and read:

dress @RalphLauren; blazer @Talbots; booties @NineWest; handbag @MarkandGraham; necklace jcrew

last up on the blog for this week’s black, white, and read is Nora Ephron. Nora was a multi-talented screenwriter, novelist, journalist, and film director, and thus has a multitude of amazing work floating on bookshelves and archived in the cloud. but for today’s read i wanted to share with you her semi-autobiographical book Heartburn. the setting is the seventies and chronicles the demise of her marriage to journalist Carl Bernstein who she discovers has been cheating on her. threaded throughout the pages are recipes and anecdotes from the heroine, Rachel Samstat, a Jewish cookery writer. the writing is witty and provides the reader with insight into Nora’s life and the breakdown of a ‘power couple’. this book is truly a must read. you won’t be disappointed, and, heck, most likely you will have a new recipe or two to add to your collection, especially if you love to cook as much as i do. my favorite is bacon hash!

happy weekend, everyone!

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