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fall fashion with Walmart | top 3 classic movie

i continue my Walmart’s We Dress America partnership with my second fall haul of the year. (if you missed the first one, you can check it out here.)  Walmart women’s fall fashion is leading the charge this year by providing  a variety of stylish and affordable lines and free two-day shipping on eligible orders $35+.  

Walmart’s denim game is particularly strong and includes Leviโ€™s and Sofia Jeans by Sofia Vergara, which i’ve been showcasing all year.  (see here and here.)  but just wait what’s in store for you today—so much more than denim.  and of course, right up my alley! 

sofia vergara, vergara jeans

Walmart fall fashion is for everyone

i’ve talked extensively this year about Walmart’s universal appeal, as they have lines dedicated to womenmen, and children.   i’m excited today to showcase a variety of pieces from Walmart’s reintroduced line Scoop.  they’ve got so many fun pieces and a variety of prints—including animal. 

sofia jeans by sofia vergara, bomber jacket

jeanshandbagbomber jacket | boots | sleeveless turtleneck

 to catch a thief, fall fashion, autumn fashion, mature fashion

walmart scoop, animal print, leopard print

animal print.  always.  and forever. 

outside of denim and blazers, nothing has excited me more this fall than the variety of different animal print options.  whether they be bags, shoes, jackets, jeans, or shirts, i cannot get enough.  just check out this leopard bomber jacket i’ve got on.  it’s definitely one of the more fun jackets i’ve pulled into my wardrobe this fall.  (and in case you missed it, i’ve got a lot.  check out my top 5 coats for fall and winter to catch up.)

turtleneck, jeans

jeanshandbagbomber jacket | boots | sleeveless turtleneck

“faux” is the new “real” 

the leopard print bomber jacket pairs perfectly with the faux crocodile boots and handbag.  it’s been a great year for booties and bags, and i’ve talked a lot about them on the blog and YouTube. i get a lot of questions from you, my readers, about recommendations for chic and stylish shoes and bags at moderate price points.  well, this fall, Walmart’s women’s fall fashion has got you covered.  especially the Scoop line.  head over there, and you’ll find something that fits your own personal style.

jeanshandbagbomber jacket | boots | sleeveless turtleneck

another big “thank you” to Walmart for this sponsored post. and as always, “thank you” to my lovely readers who support my all of my partnerships.  it allows this blog to continuing to grow in exciting and new directions.    

#3 To Catch a Thief (1955)

i’m continuing this week by revealing my top 3 classic movie.  in case you missed #4 and #5, check out my post from monday and tuesday

in my #4 spot is the classic To Catch a Thief starring  Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.  it’s a Hitchcock classic and a must see.  

About The Author

  1. karen

    thank you for highlighting this retailer. love the jeans. wondering if you could go back to your spring post and update us on how you are wearing the jean jacket now, and how you’ve transitioned the acid washed jeans into fall.

  2. Betty (SC)

    Nice selections! What a cute bomber! ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ˜

  3. Julie Mycock

    Hi Beth, I always love an animal print. To Catch a Thief is one of my favourite movies, in fact we watched it only a couple of nights ago. Another one is Affair to remember with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr xoxo

  4. Charlotte Tennant

    I began watching your blog for fashion “tips” however my watching has continued because I know you are journeying through widowhood. The courage you demonstrate cannot be without resolve to continue without the presence of Mr. Syle.
    Wishing you success in your new ventures!

    1. Tina Mace

      Are you sure? When did Beth make this public announcement? I donโ€™t recall seeing it. Have read her blog for a few years now.

  5. Lael Arrington

    Fun jacket! And To Catch a Thief is one of My Favorites too. During the filming of which Grace Kelly met Prince Rainier of Monaco. He immediately began to pursue her, but she finished filming and returned to the US. He began writing her and writing her and eventually got the girl. So enjoying this movie series. You’ve already given me one to check out.

  6. Suzanne M Smith

    I love Cary Grant. A while back, I watched a wonderful biography of him, and he had kind of a sad life. He was one of a kind! Loved him with Audrey in Charade. (Brings back memories of the bateau mouche in Paris.)

  7. Mary

    Cute jacket! But Iโ€™m really commenting because of the movie selection-one of my favorites too. I love Cary Grant and Grace Kelly, the clothes and the scenery- it has it all! Another favorite with Cary Grant is North by Northwest.

  8. Nancy Reed

    Great look. I am surprised by WalMart and their clothes. I will need to check out.

  9. Deborah

    First started following your blog for fashion tips … love your grace and style … now, old movies!! Cary Grant is my favorite actor. He, too, demonstrated such style and grace. Canโ€™t wait to see your #1 and #2 picks.

Navy Coat winter outfit

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