What We’re Shopping at Amazon

  1. Carolina Girl says:

    Dear Beth,
    You know I am a HUGE fan of you and your SACA blogs … but not of Amazon. I shop at Amazon only when necessary, as a last resort. I try to shop local (I am not living in a rural area) and at area brick and mortars whenever possible. That said, I am very busy with F-T work, juggling many things, but cringe at the concept of a world where my two shopping options are Amazon and Walmart. Just as I try to consider my sustainability footprint (exchanging big jugs of laundry detergent for paper boxes of Sheets or plastic milk jugs for glass or paper cartons), I also try to consider where I “consume” goods … for all our good. I know many would disagree with me, but for me, “A” is not part of my regular shopping repertoire.

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