Timeless Elegance and Style: Fashion Icons over 50

  1. Grandma Judy says:

    Wonderful article! You are definitely a “Grace”! Both of you are very classy! Classic but feminine. Love it!!

  2. Love today’s post…very informative! Not only are you a classic gal, but a great writer! Thanks for your blog and hard work ❤️

  3. Maeve says:

    I am just going to go grab a statement necklace and clean out my pantry. I bet Helen Mirren doesn’t have to do this – LOL

  4. Mary Divine says:

    I really love the blog because it gives me ideas. I am shorter than you at 5 2 . My weight is 120. I wear a size or sometimes smaller. I have a regular Woman’s body except my arms and legs are shorter. I do buy petite pants sometimes and jackets. This depends on the length of jackets . I like a longer length .

    Keep up the good work
    I appreciate it

  5. Carla says:

    You are an example of style and grace, Beth.

  6. Debbie says:

    Oh how I wish I could tuck my tops in without my belly taking centre stage. Petite and plump is a fashion challenge, but I use your general guidelines, when possible. Always so helpful. Thank you.

    • Beth Djalali says:

      The good news is there are so many style choices besides tucking tops! I’m so happy that you are finding the blog helpful.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Lisa kulas says:

    You and Kelly are both timeless beauties with wonderful classy looks! Thank you both for all you do! Love your style and Kelly’s and love Helen mirren and Jane Fonda!!!

  8. jacklyn edwards says:

    lovely post Beth. You always look fabulous

  9. Kathleen McDermott says:

    I obsessively people watch wherever I am. So much fun! The best outfits or style or look, whatever you want to call it, are on 50+ women probably 95% of the time. Looking stylish or pretty is not dependent on age or body type. I see living proof of that every day. P.S. You are on the icon list.

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