the sunday brief | 5 key summer accessories

  1. Kathysue says:

    I am sooooo convinced you can just about wear anything and look like a million!! Fun post!! Happy Sunny Summer to you, beautiful!

    • beth djalali says:

      hello, miss kathy! how is everything in sunny california? i so enjoy peeks inside your garden. wish i could stop by for a cold glass of iced tea and sit on your patio. xo

  2. EB says:

    All fabulous looks. The variety of choices you have in the U.S. makes me very envious. Everything is so darn expensive here (Australia). Loved seeing how you co-ordinate your clothing and accessories. Enjoy your summertime as we move fully into winter 🙁

    • beth djalali says:

      i don’t envy your winter weather. especially since we had such a long and cold one. but take heart, seasons change and the months seem to go by faster with each passing year. xo

  3. Sharon Wilgenburg says:

    You look fabulous, as always, but my favorite photo is of you running from the wave. Such fun!

  4. Fabulous as usual and yes, these are indeed great summer accessories to have.

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