work it

  1. donnanance says:

    you look good sweatin’ to the oldies! ha! xoxo

  2. Nikki G says:

    I love the colors of your workout outfit. Exercise wear is something I have never spent any money on. It’s a shame because I walk 4 miles nearly every day. And shouldn’t I look cute while doing it? Of course I should.
    I’d love to join a yoga class but I haven’t been able to find one locally.
    🙂 gwingal

  3. Talia says:

    I recently added yoga and pound to my workout routine and love both. I find having cute workout gear certainly helps elevate my confidence. Love the colors your chose!

  4. Jodie Filogomo says:

    Good for you Beth!! It is so important to keep moving! Yet it’s also so easy to get out of the habit and hard to get back into it.
    I love finding classes that are interesting! Although right now, it’s only once a week–but every little bit helps, right?

  5. You are so brave Beth to join Orange Theory!
    I tried it for a week and realized I do not want to run or workout at 95% without catching my breathe in between rotations.
    But I do enjoy my Body Pump, Zumba, & pilates workouts!!
    You go girl!

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